CAPT Eric York Wallischeck, USMS
Assistant Superintendent for Plans,
Assessment, and Public Affairs
A native of Fairfield, Connecticut, CAPT Wallischeck graduated from the United States Merchant Marine Academy in 1983, and went to work as a deck and engineering officer for Faustug Marine Corporation in San Francisco. He returned to the Academy in 1984 and joined the USMMA Alumni Foundation to administer the Academyís AMERICA II Challenge for the Americaís Cup in Fremantle, Australia. In 1987, he was named Manager of the Annual Fund, and became Director of Development in 1990.
From 1991-2006, CAPT Wallischeck served as the Academyís Director of Waterfront and Sailing Master, and has helped guide the Waterfrontís professional development and competitive programs to national prominence, with the Varsity Sailing Team winning seven National Championships. He oversaw construction of the Yocum Sailing Center, acquired a new training ship, completed several major waterfront renovation projects, and was involved in several key campus-wide initiatives, including the Human Relations Committee, Trimester Steering Committee and Emergency Preparedness and Planning Committee. CAPT Wallischeck served as the Academyís acting Chief Information Officer from October 2002 through July 2004, overseeing improvements to the Academyís website and the IT client service program.
CAPT Eric York Wallischeck was appointed the first Assistant Superintendent for Plans, Assessment and Public Affairs at the Academy on July 23, 2006. In this position, he is responsible for leading a new management division at the Academy, with oversight of the Academy’s strategic planning and policy development programs, assessment and survey activities, and the public relations and external affairs programs. CAPT Wallischeck serves as a senior advisor to the Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent and works with the three other Assistant Superintendents to coordinate planning and policy development programs within their respective divisions.
CAPT Wallischeck graduated from the Senior Executive Fellows Program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. His awards include the U.S. Maritime Service Superior Performance Medal, the U.S. Department of Transportation Superior Achievement Medal (two awards), the Transportation 9-11 Medal, the DOT Outstanding Unit Award (two awards), the DOT Team Award (two awards), the U.S. Coast Guard Special Operations Service Ribbon, the US Maritime Service Sustained Performance Award (three awards), and the USMMA Alumni Foundationís Outstanding Professional Achievement and Meritorious Alumni Service Awards.
An avid sailor, he has participated in six Newport Bermuda Races, and has served on the Safety At Sea Committee of the United States Sailing Association. CAPT Wallischeck is past President of the Yacht Racing Association of Long Island Sound, and currently serves as Secretary of the Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association of North America. He is a member of the USMMA Alumni Association, the Mystic Seaport Museum, the Yacht Racing Association of Long Island Sound, the United States Naval Institute, the Navy League of the United States, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Corinthians, the Storm Trysail Club and the Royal Ocean Racing Club.
CAPT Wallischeck is single, and resides on the Academy grounds.