Lorraine Leo
Technology Teacher
Newton, Massachusetts, USA
Since 2001, when Skipper Rich Wilson sailed from NYC to Melbourne, AU, Lorraine Leo has followed the voyages of Skipper Rich Wilson with her students. Inspired by the sitesalive program to bring the real world into the classroom, Mrs. Leo, a technology teacher at Jackson School in Newton, MA, has connected with teachers in many countries and promoted Rich’s voyages through collaborative projects and webcasts. Mrs. Leo received her M.A. in Reading at SUNY at Cortland. She has worked as a classroom and reading teacher, and served as an editor in School Reading at Houghton Mifflin Company for six years. Lorraine was awarded the Learningtimes Global Collaboration Award in 2003 and the Illinois Online Innovations Conference Award in 2004. She serves on the National Scholastic Teacher’s Advisory Board for Scholastic.com