Question asked by Carolyn: Why do people’s dreams change as they get older? I’d bet that you didn’t dream of sailing in Vendée Globe when you were four years old.
Ship’s Log
Question asked by Scott: Hi Rich, Your journey is awe inspiring. In your logs you reference “ice gates” at various times. Just what is an “ice gate?” Best of luck
Question asked by Bill: I read your ships log daily. Can you explain what the following means: 2005utc 44/26s 118/41w Answer: Those numbers and letters that I put at the
by Rich du Moulin, Owner, Intrepid Shipping We all have to make decisions in our lives, many of them important to our friends, families, and ourselves. Rich has had to make
by Rich Wilson, Skipper, Great American III Prior to the start of the Vendée Globe race, there were hundreds of decisions made: which boat to use, which qualifying race to sail,
Question: What or who inspired you to enter the race? Answer: I’ve followed the Vendée Globe since it began in 1989, yet I never wanted to do the race. I
Question asked by Marie-Agnès: What do you find most difficult to cope with during this race, and on the other hand what do you most enjoy ? Answer: The pace
Question: My class would like to know what you do for entertainment. Answer: I have an iPod aboard, and I listen mainly to familiar rock-n-roll. Sometimes I listen to classical
Question asked by Rachael: Have you so far had any serious conditions about your boat? Answer: So far we’re doing pretty well; no serious problems. But there is a list
Question asked by Susan: Have you encountered any unusual marine life? asked by Mitchell Enrichment, Gadsden, AL Answer: Recently, we’ve had waves that wash over the boat and leave tiny