1720 utc  47/08S 141/08W, 10.4 knots speed, staysail, three reefs, 25 knots SW wind. Running southeast to try to escape the worst of the coming storm. At the ice gate, had a choice to continue ENE or gybe and head south. Did not think I could get across into the downwind side of the approaching storm because we were at a crossroads of four weather systems, and there was a big no-wind area in the middle. Also, I did not want to put us into the worst quadrant of the storm, I opted south. I do not really like this route either. I wanted to stay north, as I’m tired of the south, but the south seemed factually the better of two bad solutions. We’ll see if the weather files are correct. If we can get far enough, according to the file that we received just before gybing, then we might be able to make it far enough to the SE to let the storm pass to the north–then as its elongated trough starts to break up we could go NE in its wake.

At the ice gate we had reacher and one reef in the main. Through the night went to solent, then staysail, then 2 reefs, then this morning 3 reefs, and then brought down the reacher and stowed it. The storm jib is ready to go for the upcoming weather system.

I’m trying to eat, but I don’t have so much appetite due to nerves. Am trying to sleep, too, but I’m having the same problem. If the forecasts stay the same, and we can keep making miles ESE, maybe our strategy will work.