Question asked by Susan: Have you encountered any unusual marine life? asked by Mitchell Enrichment, Gadsden, AL Answer: Recently, we’ve had waves that wash over the boat and leave tiny
Category: Q&A
Question asked by BT: Hey Rich…BT here…How do you manage electricty for all of your needs: the auto pilot, email/videos, navigation instruments, lights, etc. Answer: Great American III has a Yanmar
Question asked by Stephanie: If you barely have time to sleep, then how do you have time to type all of the reviews? Answer: The logs, essays, Q&A that I
Question asked by Neal: I’m doing a project on Cape Horn. Do you have pictures or paintings of Cape Horn that you can send me? If you don’t have anything
Question asked by Neal: Two skippers talked about losing their keel. What is a keel and how does it work? And why is a broken keel so bad for a
Question asked by Neal: How does a sextant work? How does it tell you where you are? Can you use them on land? asked by Charles Answer: Answered by Dava Sobel,
Question asked by Neal: Are Rich’s sleeping patterns OK? asked by Neal Answer: Answered by Prof. Dava Newman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow The sleep pattern represented by
Question asked by Jennifer: Where did the maritime rule come from that you always go the aid of another mariner in trouble? Answer: Mariners have aided each other in times
Question asked by Neal: Where did you go to school, and why did you decide to become a doctor? Is being an emergency doctor harder than being a regular doctor?
Question asked by donna: How often does it rain in the rainforest? Answer by Dr Ioannis Miaoulis: Whether the rainforest is temperate or tropical, the frequency of rain depends on