Question asked by BT: Hey Rich…BT here…How do you manage electricty for all of your needs: the auto pilot, email/videos, navigation instruments, lights, etc. Answer: Great American III has a Yanmar
Ship’s Log
Question asked by Stephanie: If you barely have time to sleep, then how do you have time to type all of the reviews? Answer: The logs, essays, Q&A that I
1500utc, 3/09S 34/33W, port tack. Heading east from Maceió, Brazil, but couldn’t quite fetch the coast. So at the 100 meter line, I tacked to go east for about 25
February 12, 2009 – A difficult day. About 12 hours in the middle of the day produced no significant mileage in the direction of France. About 4-5 hours in the middle
February 11, 2009 – Difficult day with shifting winds: 20 knots, 2 knots, east, northeast, north, southeast, black clouds with no wind. Ten sail changes today, all for naught, go 12
Question asked by Neal: I’m doing a project on Cape Horn. Do you have pictures or paintings of Cape Horn that you can send me? If you don’t have anything
Question asked by Neal: Two skippers talked about losing their keel. What is a keel and how does it work? And why is a broken keel so bad for a
Question asked by Neal: How does a sextant work? How does it tell you where you are? Can you use them on land? asked by Charles Answer: Answered by Dava Sobel,
Question asked by Neal: Are Rich’s sleeping patterns OK? asked by Neal Answer: Answered by Prof. Dava Newman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow The sleep pattern represented by
2147 utc, 16/48S 37/25W, 9.0 kts @ 016T, solent and one reef. A long day of trying to point high on starboard tack up the coast to clear some shoals, and